Curs RHYTHM – pentru o greutate perfectaRHYTHM to a perfect weight course

ThetaHealing® RHYTHM pentru o greutate perfecta

Pregatire anterioara necesara: Cursul Baza si Cursul Avansat

Esti pregatit sa iti gasesti adevaratul Ritm in viata? Schimba-ti Convingerile in timp ce inveti un fel nou si entuziasmant de a slabi si … gaseste-ti pacea interioara. Acesta nu este doar un curs despre slabit!

Este despre a-ti gasi ritmul real al mintii, corpului si spiritului, in timp ce te conectezi la frumusetea ta interioara si te iubesti pe tine prin propriile tale vise si dorinte! Deasemenea contine si Secretul Viannei pentru a slabi 🙂

ThetaHealing cu Andrea Filip

Dar nu este despre cine este cel mai slab si cel mai frumos!. Este despre a fi confortabil cu corpul tau si a avea liniste sufleteasca si fericire acceptand cine esti si imbratisand divinitatea din tine.

ThetaHealing cu Andrea Filip

ThetaHealing® RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight

Prerequisites Basic and Advanced DNA

Includes: ThetaHealing® RHYTHM Manual

Are you ready to find true Rhythm in your life! Change your beliefs while learning a new exciting way to lose weight and tap into your inner peace? Vianna Stibal, Founder of ThetaHealing® created a new course summer 2011, Named Weight Liberation. It isn’t just a weight loss class! It is finding a real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for your self through your own dreams and desires! It also contains Vianna’s secrets to weight loss. After teaching this class Vianna has decided to reintroduce it as Rhythm based on its teachings and what we hope for your mind, body and spirit to obtain during this course! It isn’t about who is the skinniest or most beautiful! It’s about being comfortable in your own body and finding inner peace and happiness through accepting who you are and embracing Gods will for you! So with out further ado, Vianna Stibal proudly presents

THETAHEALING® RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight





Higher Self


a Perfect Weight

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